Action your desire to help

Help us, help others by supporting Freedom Thinkers with a contribution today! By enabling us to continue the task at hand for connection, communication, support and awareness through our web page but also out in the community, by creating a space for like minded people to gather, bringing hope and clarity in these turbulent times. As we are all volunteers standing together to help bring solutions to you, we appreciate your contributions through these times.

How much would you like to contribute? As a contributor to Freedom Thinkers we make sure your donation goes directly to supporting your cause.

Who's giving today?
Please provide a Name or Bank Account Name so we can match the payment to the donation. Your Contribution WILL still be anonymous if you tick that option. We need to be accountable for ALL contributions, so a Name or Bank Account Name name helps with this. Thanks We promise we will never share this information with anyone. Your privacy is really important to us.
Personal Info

Below are the details for the account used to support Freedom Thinkers.
Please take note of the bank details below, and complete the contribution transfer.

ANZ Bank Details

Acct Name: Claire Flynn
BSB: 016745
ACC: 259615362

Thank you

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: $20